Hi, was trying to contact about a reply i made about 'like bots' in one of your twitter threads. Seems it only likes (hearts) replies i make to other accounts, and of course it did it in your thread. Did you want me to cont. replying to myself to create a honeypot?
Up to you - I'm unfortunately low on time and have a huge list of projects to look at, so I probably won't be able to dig into it anytime soon, but if baiting them in the reply section of that thread is beneficial to your own research, definitely feel free.
So a couple questions, (feel free to answer all or none, I won’t be offended, I know they're loaded questions)
1. Is 99.5% of the total accounts created or just of that initial batch? Have more accounts been created (related to the network) since the ban.
2. Any idea if these accounts follow each other? Is that something worth tracking? Or do networks like this know that is something that can be used to identify them?
2. 99.5% obviously covers the brunt of the problem, but do you have any idea why they couldn’t identify the other .5%? Based on what you said they seem like pretty straight forward bans. They use the same(ish) message most of the time, they reply to a lot of the same accounts, they have all been created in the last 90 days. Also, once you identify 100-1000 bad accounts referencing the same website (uu11551.com) could you not use that to identify others? I imagine they're trying to limit false positive account bans, but if you used a combo of automation and manual review, it seems like you could get a lot more accurate.
3. Do you think the timeline for this ban was acceptable (7-10 days). Are you surprised/disappointed it took this long? (I am)
4. Do you think the ban was automated on twitters side? That is, no manual intervention by twitter personnel. Based solely on twitters automation / community reporting. Or do you think someone on twitters team was prompted to make an action based on your post and/or others. I saw at least 4-6 people I follow mention these accounts/tweets.
5. Do you care that much about improving the platform? Or do you just like reporting on these issues? I don’t think you’re a huge fan of Elon (which is fair) and he made a lot of promises about reducing spam which doesn’t appear to be happening much at this point. I guess I’m asking if you’d prefer twitter would just fix their shit or if you’d prefer another platform sans Elon. If for example, twitter offered you a job fighting spam that was 2x your current income. Would you take it?
6. Outside of twitter fixing their automation algos, do you think they would benefit from better (mass) spam reporting features? If so what do you think that would look like?
Full disclosure.
1. I love your content
2. I'm a software engineer working in privacy (my name is Will Hieronymus I work for Relyance AI) I'm not affiliated with twitter or Elon, and I don't think I'm an Elon fan boy, although I'm sure I would be labeled by some people as such. I'm actually just really trying to figure out if Elon sucks or if he's at least competent (I suspect he's somewhat competent but not perfect but also way too arrogant).
3. I'm a complete noob to this bot stuff on twitter or any other platform, but I think I can pick it up pretty quickly. I'd love to learn more.
4. I'm VERY curious in how to combat this spam stuff. I think it's important. Not just for obvious crypto scams like this, but also, probably more importantly like disinformation in general.
Hi, was trying to contact about a reply i made about 'like bots' in one of your twitter threads. Seems it only likes (hearts) replies i make to other accounts, and of course it did it in your thread. Did you want me to cont. replying to myself to create a honeypot?
Up to you - I'm unfortunately low on time and have a huge list of projects to look at, so I probably won't be able to dig into it anytime soon, but if baiting them in the reply section of that thread is beneficial to your own research, definitely feel free.
This stuff is way past me. But thanks for all the work you've done. Learned quite a bit following you! (sorry for the deletes, was double posting?)
So a couple questions, (feel free to answer all or none, I won’t be offended, I know they're loaded questions)
1. Is 99.5% of the total accounts created or just of that initial batch? Have more accounts been created (related to the network) since the ban.
2. Any idea if these accounts follow each other? Is that something worth tracking? Or do networks like this know that is something that can be used to identify them?
2. 99.5% obviously covers the brunt of the problem, but do you have any idea why they couldn’t identify the other .5%? Based on what you said they seem like pretty straight forward bans. They use the same(ish) message most of the time, they reply to a lot of the same accounts, they have all been created in the last 90 days. Also, once you identify 100-1000 bad accounts referencing the same website (uu11551.com) could you not use that to identify others? I imagine they're trying to limit false positive account bans, but if you used a combo of automation and manual review, it seems like you could get a lot more accurate.
3. Do you think the timeline for this ban was acceptable (7-10 days). Are you surprised/disappointed it took this long? (I am)
4. Do you think the ban was automated on twitters side? That is, no manual intervention by twitter personnel. Based solely on twitters automation / community reporting. Or do you think someone on twitters team was prompted to make an action based on your post and/or others. I saw at least 4-6 people I follow mention these accounts/tweets.
5. Do you care that much about improving the platform? Or do you just like reporting on these issues? I don’t think you’re a huge fan of Elon (which is fair) and he made a lot of promises about reducing spam which doesn’t appear to be happening much at this point. I guess I’m asking if you’d prefer twitter would just fix their shit or if you’d prefer another platform sans Elon. If for example, twitter offered you a job fighting spam that was 2x your current income. Would you take it?
6. Outside of twitter fixing their automation algos, do you think they would benefit from better (mass) spam reporting features? If so what do you think that would look like?
Full disclosure.
1. I love your content
2. I'm a software engineer working in privacy (my name is Will Hieronymus I work for Relyance AI) I'm not affiliated with twitter or Elon, and I don't think I'm an Elon fan boy, although I'm sure I would be labeled by some people as such. I'm actually just really trying to figure out if Elon sucks or if he's at least competent (I suspect he's somewhat competent but not perfect but also way too arrogant).
3. I'm a complete noob to this bot stuff on twitter or any other platform, but I think I can pick it up pretty quickly. I'd love to learn more.
4. I'm VERY curious in how to combat this spam stuff. I think it's important. Not just for obvious crypto scams like this, but also, probably more importantly like disinformation in general.
Here are the answers to the questions that I have useful answers for at this point:
1. 99.5% is of the total accounts that had tweeted the spam replies at that point in time. (Since the ban, another thousand or so have activated.)
2. No, most of them either follow no accounts or one or two huge accounts.