Sitemap - 2023 - Conspirador Norteño

The "bot farm" that wasn't

Happy Holidays

To find spam networks, go where the spammers are

AI art and T-shirt spam

A simple Python scraper for infinite scroll websites

GET WOKE UP by these nonexistent authors

A brief and partial history of generative AI on social media

Some thoughts on social media, disinformation, and the 2024 elections

Crowdfunding and platform manipulation

This "product review" website does not exist, at least not in any meaningful sense

Why subscription fees are not a magic bullet against spam

Community Notes and war crimes

Exploring a YouTube spam network with Python

Ways to avoid spreading lies on social media

Astroturfing to the 10th power

Exploring the Bluesky firehose

Metamorphosis of a fake account

Do you want to be a news source? Just change your account name

Spamming where the skies are blue

GAN-tastic catfishing

Fun with Community Notes data

On social media data access for researchers

Making astroturfing great again

War, stock photos, and breaking news

Accelerationism, spam, and video games

Tale of a viral fraud

#FIX2020: these election deniers do not exist

Twitter verification shenanigans: gold edition

The curious case of user one134500 and the most obvious reply spam ever

Inauthentic activity and Twitter Blue verification

I'm sorry, this spam network cannot generate inappropriate or offensive content

Some thoughts on the current state of AI from a disinformation research perspective

Right-wing U.S. Twitter influencers, Chinese followers, and Guo Wengui

This city council member does not exist

Should you buy a used social media account from a website like

Anatomy of an online outrage mob

The Curious Case of BNN

The ongoing saga of a persistent fake persona